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Trumps Policies on Mass Deportation

Nicole Campos Villaran

Nicole Campos-Villaran

Donald Trump warned illegal immigrants about implementing more mass deportations within his next term of presidency. Trumps goals are to make this country safer through mass deportation and implement stricter border controls.  

Trump has signed numerous executive orders dealing with illegal immigrants and the border since taking office in January.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have announced around 1,000 arrests and about 800 detainees of illegal immigrants. ICE has partnered with different agencies to make this process quick and easy.  

However, some American citizens are fearing racial profiling. People who are getting caught in ICE raids are being targeted because of their skin color and race. A group of Native Americans (the Navajo) are complaining of being racially profiled because those who live off the reservations are being questioned about their identity by ICE officers.  

The Navajo Nation are American citizens. In response to this, the President of the Navajo addressed the issue. He advised the Navajo residents to carry identification and their certification of Indian Blood. Native Americans were granted U.S. citizenship on June 2, 1924. They should be treated as any American.​​ 


One of the tools that Trump’s Administration are planning to use are an expansion of the expedited removal program in combination with raids through neighborhoods and workplaces. Those deported under expedited removal may be detained and deported without appearing before an immigration judge.  

Some people don’t understand that America is a melting pot of every country, and we should embrace the diversity. While I understand that Trump wants to protect American citizens, his policies are leading to the separation of families.  

A friend of mine who is a teacher who would like to keep their name anonymous understands that the Trump administration has removed the protection that prevents ICE from entering sensitive areas such as schools.  

However, they have not heard any news of ICE attempting to enter schools in their area, but the school system has released information to support the students.  

Anonymous stated in an interview that, "As a teacher whose students are predominantly from immigrant families, this news deeply affected me. Beyond teaching, my primary goal as an educator is to protect and love my children. Moreover, ICE entering schools or bringing on school grounds can have a significant and far-reaching impact on families. This can cause challenges by not improving the relationships between the school and families. Student attendance is affected as families keep their children home fearing what might happen."  

Children should be able to learn without the fear of being separated from their parents. Imagine law enforcement taking your child just because of your skin color or your ethnicity.  

People who oversee this country should stop putting everyone in a box. This is how you harm our society.   


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