On Oct. 16 and 17, Student Body President Emily Jansen (C’22) showed off her leadership skills and dedication by letting the voices of students be heard at the 43rd Annual National Leadership Conference on Student Government held in St. Louis, Mo.
Each of the colleges and universities that attended the conference gave presentations about how its Student Government Associations were structured. Speaking on behalf of Mount St. Mary’s University SGA, Jansen explained some of the ways in which its structure differs from other SGAs. For example, senator positions are assigned by each of the Registered Student Organizations within the Center for Student Involvement and Belonging. She highlighted the different committee positions they are involved in within the University’s administration and all of the individual initiatives that SGA is promoting this year.
By having each of the attending schools showcase the structures of its SGAs, student government leaders and advisors were able to see a variety of methods that made student government associations either more or less successful. Jansen stated, “The best part of the conference was being able to share the different successes of the Mount with other universities and to learn more from them as well.”
Along with learning from each other, student government leaders and advisors were given the opportunity to form bonds with people who share similar ideas and passions. “My biggest takeaways are the connections I formed with other executive officers across the country who are inspired and driven just like I am in changing the campus culture for the better and promoting the needs of the student population,” Jansen added.
The nation’s longest-running SGA conference for student government and advisors worked to help find different ways to improve effectiveness, increase diversity and identify ways of supporting those students who are at their most vulnerable during this unpredictable time. Students were informed about various action steps and practices student governments are implementing to support those most vulnerable members of the campus community.
Being the voice of the students, having a student government that is responsive and resilient is more important now than ever. Many students are struggling during this difficult time in our nation’s history and need people to advocate for them. The Mount’s SGA understands the importance of this and is dedicated to finding ways of supporting and advocating for the student body population.
“Even in our diverse population and the varying opinions and beliefs we all share, we are more powerful when we are united than when we are divided. Using SGA as a channel to voice the needs and opinions of various student groups is an efficient and empowering way to get your voice heard by the administration,” Jansen stated.
To learn more about the Mount’s SGA visit Student Government Association (SGA) | Mount St. Mary's University (msmary.edu). It has its weekly meetings at 5 p.m. every Tuesday in Laughlin; all students are encourage to attend.