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Rosary Hike Gives Students a Chance to Reflect on Jesus’ Passion

Gavin Hamrick

On April 3, Frassati Fellowship hosted a hike centered on prayer and reflection. The two-mile hike of the Indian Lookout Trail was meant to serve as an imitation of Christ’s climb up to Calvary. The hike was timely as it occurred on Holy Saturday, the day after the solemnity of the Crucifixion is remembered.

Attendees gathered at the gazebo outside of the Immaculate Conception chapel before beginning their ascent up to the Grotto. The Grotto itself saw a large number of visitors in the midst of the Triduum. Before beginning their hike, a brief background was given on the man the Frassati Fellowship is named after: Pier Giorgio Frassati. Rosaries were provided to those in attendance of the event and the group leaders made sure to help those less familiar with praying the rosary follow along. After reflecting on the life of the devout Italian Catholic and receiving their rosaries, the group made their way to the Grotto where they stopped to give intentions and begin the first decade.

The group continued its prayer of the rosary as they walked through the graveyard up to the start of the trail. The peaceful hike up to Indian Lookout gave the group a chance to quietly mourn Christ’s death and rejoice in His resurrection on Easter. The skies were clear, giving the group a view into the Pennsylvania countryside and nearby Emmitsburg. The lookout itself actually served as a place where locals went to watch over the historic Battle of Gettysburg.

In looking back on the experience, Juliana Maira (C’24) said, “I was able to learn how to pray while using a rosary for the first time.” Maira went on to say that, “being in a small group allowed me to feel comfortable enough to fully open myself up to God.” According to Frassati Fellowship member, Julia Connolly (C’22), helping students become more familiar with the Catholic faith is one of the organization’s primary goals. Connolly said Frassati Fellowship’s mission is to “share the message of Christ through activities that can be of interest to everyone” and “introduce Catholicism into the lives of others who would have otherwise never encountered the faith.” Frassati Fellowship, which is a part of Campus Ministry, is working to expand the faith by promoting events that do not necessarily have a religious connotation. Fellowship member Emma Smith (C’23) noted that the groups’ intent is not to “just stay within Campus Ministry but reach out to other clubs.”

For the members of the Mount community who were unable to go home for Easter break, the hike served as a great opportunity to come together in prayer. Frassati Fellowship is planning to hold another event in the near future centered on the Eucharistic miracles.

1 Comment

Dec 11, 2021


Thank you, Gavin.


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