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No Snow Days for Students Anymore

Mount Echo

The first few weeks of the spring semester have ended and many students are getting back into their routines. Though the snowstorm has slowed some efforts in returning to the new normal, forcing professors to have classes online. Unlike previous semesters where class would be completely canceled because of a snowstorm, Zoom has allowed for classes to continue, granted the power does not go out. Overall, classes have been going well with the hybrid model. While it has been an adjustment with an occasional blue/gold day mix-up for students, it has been running in the best way that it can.

Snow days without class are now done away with, and the snow predicted to fall in the upcoming weeks has caused students to reminisce of what snow days used to be like. Students used to wait in front of the television hoping to see that their school was closed, and then watch movies with hot chocolate under piles of blankets. This will no longer happen as they will watch their computer screens all day and, hopefully, get hot chocolate in between classes.

Resident Assistant, Paige Buchanan (C’22) stated, “The snow was not as much of a deterrent as expected. Since we had the opportunity to have classes online, it was pretty normal. However, it did take away from the experience of having a snow day. This is something all students enjoy, so it was disappointing when classes were still scheduled.”

Due to the snow and ice, many people have had their vehicles snowed in, but Public Safety allowed the use of shovels by students to dig out their vehicles. Sidewalks and parking lots that were completely covered in snow are now mostly clear, but more snow is forecast to fall a couple of more times in the upcoming weeks.

As the second semester battling COVID-19 continues, students are still abiding by the protocols and mandates. There are still hybrid modeled classrooms, where seating is socially distanced. There is scheduled entry to the dining hall and limited seating at dining hall tables. These COVID-19 protocols have tremendously slowed the spread of the virus on campus and allowed students to return safely to spring semester and attend classes in person.


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