Ryen Sayki
Center for Student Diversity and Focus ministries collaborated and hosted an interfaith and between event in the O’Hara dining room. The event had Chick-fil-A food and students who wanted to talk about their different beliefs. Interfaith means to involve people of different religious faiths and this event showed just that.
This event aimed to promote love, respect and understanding towards student’s faith, religion and spirituality and how it changed their lives in a respectful, open discussion without judgments.
When asked about this event, Mr. Kevin Turner, Director of the Center for Student Diversity, said, “FOCUS & I decided to have this event because we saw a need for providing students with an opportunity to dialogue about faith without the restrictions of catering to one specific demographic of believers.” Oftentimes, people want to be seen and heard, and this event provides the means for both to occur. “Lastly, the mission of the University tailors to an important principle of the teachings of Christ, which is to love another and demonstrate that love to others by treating others with dignity, respect, and love, and what better way to demonstrate this than by sitting in a room, having a conversation about faith, religion, and spirituality, with individuals from many backgrounds, without making one's religion seem worse or wrong than the other.”
Overall, The interfaith and between program Was a fun and healthy way to express students' different beliefs. Students got to talk to people from all different backgrounds of all faiths and ask questions related to their faith and what it means to them. “Should our offices decide to collaborate and do this again, we would love to see more students engage and participate in this event. Sometimes, the smallest gesture has the greatest impact.” Turner stated. ”How else do we move forward as a society and embrace the different views of others if we are afraid or don't see the importance of fruitful dialogue across color lines and religious beliefs.”
If you are a student who believes in faith, religion, and spirituality and want to talk about it. This is a great event for you to go to experience different belief systems, express your own belief, and figure out who you are in this world while eating some good food.