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High Lady of Inspiration

Kayla Jones

The first article I published for the Mountain Echo was about “A Court of Thorns and Roses.” I’d like to take some time now to talk more about the main character, the lovely Feyre Archeron ( pronounced Fay-Ruh ). I wasn’t sure how I felt about her at first, as the beginning was a little slow. But the more I got to know her, the more I realized how dedicated, intelligent and compassionate she is.

When she was young, Feyre’s mother became ill. On her deathbed, she made Feyre swear to keep their family together. Despite this being a cruel and unfair thing to ask of a little girl, Feyre did everything within her power to keep her family safe and alive. She willingly went out into the woods every single day to find food for her older sisters and her father. Even though she was young and her mother seemed to have been a very ungrateful person, Feyre still understood the weight of that oath and did not let it go until she was sure her family was safe and alive.

She also taught herself how to hunt by watching other hunters and how to take care of wounds through trial and error. Having had to grow up fast and learn how to make split-second decisions, Feyre is able to think through stressful situations that would otherwise render anyone else useless. She even comes up with creative ways to get away from danger and stay alive. My favorite example of this is during her trials while she was Under the Mountain.

In her first trial, while facing off against the Middengard Wyrm, a giant worm similar to the one from Spongebob Squarepants but with no eyes and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth used to rip its prey to shreds, Feyre covers herself in mud. She was able to figure out that the Wyrm was blind and searches for its prey by smelling the air. By covering herself in mud she masked her scent and made herself invisible. She then used the bones of the unlucky victims of the Wyrm and made a trap for it, eventually tricking it and killing it.

Sarah J. Maas, the author of this series, has a common trait amongst her main characters: They are awesome women with a love for art. One girl loves music, one girl loves dancing and Feyre loves painting. The arts don’t seem to be included in books very often, or if they are they aren’t very significant in the plot; however, Maas does a wonderful job at making sure Feyre’s hobby isn’t merely mentioned — it is part of her life and it’s used to show her emotions.

Feyre obviously deals with a lot of stress and needs an outlet. Many people would argue claiming that she loves hunting and archery, but that’s simply not true. Yes, she’s very skilled at both, but not because she wanted to be; she’s skilled because she had to be. But, one thing she is skilled at because she enjoys it is painting.

When she left her cottage to live with Tamlin, she mostly thought in a very tactical way. She looked for places to hide, ways to escape, possible weapons. But as time passed and she became comfortable with Tamlin and his court, she began taking note of the colors around her and she envisioned the paintings she would create. The more she let her guard down, the more we saw her pointing out the colors surrounding her.

Maas, once again, wrote a very inspirational female lead. Feyre’s ability to rise above her hardships and still find it in her heart to be compassionate to people around her and her love for art while still being a dedicated warrior who’s able to overcome any hardship thrown her way with her head held high are just some reasons why Feyre Archeron is a beloved character in the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series.


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