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Glaude’s Delivers Inaugural Ducharme Lecture

Dominic Wilkinson

On Sept. 29 in Knott Auditorium,

the fall semester Ducharme Lecture took place featuring Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. delivering an impassioned speech to hundreds of Mount

St. Mary’s students.

The Ducharme Lecture is an event that

happens twice a year featuring two speakers, one not affiliated with the Mount and one Mount Professor. The last couple of lectures with the Mount’s own featured Dr. Jamie Gianoutsos in the spring of 2022 and Drs. Paige Hochschild, Gregory Murry and Stephen McGinley.

This semester’s lecture starred Dr.

Glaude, Chair of the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University and is a New York Times best-selling author. Dr. Kalfani Ture, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at

the Mount had great words to say about


Ture describes him as a “sobering perspective” when it comes to democracy in

America. Ture says Glaude talked about

dueling sides of democracy in America,

how a country so committed to this idea

of freedom and democracy fails so badly when these ideas are tested in society.

Ture states that Glaude “calls us to be better citizens, better human beings,” that his work invites us to examine ourselves and

if we are truly the human beings we are

meant to be.

Glaude’s lecture: “Race & Democracy:

America is Always Changing, but America Never Changes” was powerful and

an eye-opener for the students and faculty at

the Mount. It's easy to feel secluded from

the social world in the small town of Emmitsburg, but Glaude pulled the campus back to the modern world with his speech.

Glaude attacked the systematic racism

today, the violence, the abuse and the prejudice. He described today as “what Abraham Lincoln believed as fever dreams.”

If modern America is what the man who

freed American slaves feels is a fever

dream, then America is in a dark place,

no matter how much we’d like to admit

it. While laws have changed, amendments

written, “race sits at the heart of it all.”

Glaude’s speech was very well received by the Mount. When Criminal Justice major Sam Cheyne (C’24) was asked how the lecture had impacted him, he said how he was called to take Glaude’s words into his future field,

and how he’s learned “how we can do better as a country” in the efforts against

racial injustice.

Senior and new mother Sarabeth Queale

saw Glaude’s lecture as a refresher on her

ideas on this subject in order not to “pass

on something destructive” to her child.

Racism is not a genetic disorder, nor a

the natural state of mind, it is learned through

one’s environment. It is important for us

all to be aware of this and to pass on the

right values and ideals to the generation

after us in order to change this century's

long injustice that is racism.

When asked how, how students at a

university of less than 3,000 change the

world, Glaude gave this response. Glaude

called us to “Imagine a new America and

fight like hell for it” because it is truly up

to us to make change. What will happen

will happen, but Glaude told the crowd

that “through you God will make His

kingdom.” The kingdom won’t make itself; we must work to build it up, brick by



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