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Ambitious New Dean

Meghan Leavitt

Meghan Leavitt

Dr. Corinne Farneti has been a faculty member at Mount St. Mary’s University for over a decade. In the spring of 2023, the university appointed her as the new Dean of Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business. She is also the founding director of the Master’s in Sports Management program. In addition to this, she has also devoted her time to the Curriculum and Assessment Committee as well as an Athletic Advisory Committee.

There has been a lot of instability within the business school. With all her qualifications and experience at the Mount, Farneti seemed like a great choice to many faculty members. Working at the Mount for over a decade, Farneti has built good relationships with faculty members and has knowledge of the operations of the school and all its departments.

Her educational background consists of Master’s of Business Administration and a Doctorate in Sports Management. Farneti has a positive attitude and is feeling ambitious to be working as the new dean of a large and thriving school. She said she is “happy to take on the leadership role.”

There are many goals Farneti has for the university such as addressing new curriculum needs. This can be seen as adding analytics and quantitative courses to the curriculum on campus.

Along with the new courses for students, Farneti is looking for ways to provide more experiential and external opportunities for students. This means not just taking classes but allowing students to become more hands-on in the school to gain exposure to the world of business.

For graduate programs, the university is working on adding online courses that would prove more accessible and flexible for students’ schedules. “We want to be a school that provides students with an educational foundation and skills to successfully peruse their career right out of college, we focus on students so they can network, communicate well and present themselves in a way that makes the Mount proud,” she stated.

She knows how important those skills are for students going into the work force or moving into graduate school. Farneti believes that all students should take at least one business class because no matter what career path students choose to take, there is always business involved.

The Business School has numerous types of coursework that allows students to study economics, marketing, information systems, business law, accounting and corporate finance and social responsibility. This allows students to pursue several careers with a business degree. This can involve consulting, business development and sales and marketing. There are many opportunities in the Business School that the students take advantage of, including a variety of programs, opportunities to study abroad and hands-on experience.

The goals she plans to achieve do not just include adding courses to the undergraduate and graduate programs but things that will be beneficial to the school. This can be seen as generating new streams of revenue and focusing on better messaging of the Mount’s business school brand. Farneti not only cares about student well-being and what happens here at the Mount but also the Mount is perceived externally.

Dr. Farneti Corinne in front of Business School

Photo by: Kelly Blanco


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