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Studying Irish History and Evangelism Abroad

Over the course of three weeks, Mary Lawler (C’23) spent time in Ireland learning more about Evangelism and Irish history. Lawler is a...

Hope and Humility Helping the Houseless

Houselessness is a growing issue in America that is not getting the attention it deserves. One Mount student has decided to take the...

Do Your Part and Get Vaccinated

The coronavirus disease has spiraled out of control and has taken more than half a million lives in the U.S. alone. It seems surreal that...

Migrant Workers 2022 World Cup

The FIFA World Cup in 2022 will be hosted by the oil-rich nation of Qatar. They won the bid to host the tournament in 2010 and have since...

Best Out of Waste (Water)

On March 10, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Dr. Michael, Turner gave a lecture in the Knott Auditorium regarding waste water...

Mount Graduates Earn Higher Salaries

Mount St. Mary’s University has been ranked third on GradReports's Best Colleges in Maryland by Salary Score ranking with a Salary Score...

Open Letter Demands Administration to Act

On March 2, Clayton Votta (C’23) submitted an open letter to the administration of Mount St. Mary’s University. The letter addresses the...

Demonstration of White Privilege

Recently, members of the Mount faculty brought to my attention that The Mountain Echo has yet to write an article on why the attack on...

Dunkin’s New Offering is Love-Hate

Dunkin’ collaborated once again with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio to introduce the Charli Cold Foam. This cold foam differs from other...

Sakowski Published in Prestigious Journal

Assistant Professor of Science, Eric Sakowski (C’08), has co-published an article in the prestigious journal Nature Microbiology on...

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